Monday, May 3, 2010

A new lease on life

After being on my weight loss and exercise 'journey' for a year and a half now, I have taken what could be considered the scariest move so far. Not that deciding to change my life wasn't scary from the outset, or going to a gym and being the biggest person there, or going shopping for gym shoes and conveying to the salesperson that yes I am a big fat person but I am doing something about my weight.

No all that pales into insignificance next to this one....I am going to train to become a gym instructor!!! Les Mills BodyStep to be more precise!

A few months ago the group fitness manager at my gym asked me if I would like to be an instructor. At the time I was getting ready for a big fitness assesment, so admittadly my mind was elsewhere, and i was quite jittery and nervous. So it didn't really sink in. Later I thought about it and realised the enormouty of what she had asked me. She (and others) thought I was good enough at the classes technically, and thought that I would be capable of standing up in front of a group of others and leading them through the workout. WOW!! On realising this, it totally blew me away! ME!!?? Little old me. Who 2 years ago was at my heaviest weight, even heavier than when I was pregnant. Me who can't speak in front of people to save myself! (i am a singer so I get aroud it that way :)

There are so many reasons why I should not do this. I am not fit enough. I am not thin enough. I may not be very good at talking. I might get the moves muffed up. People might not like me. People may not think I am good enough.
But there are too many reasons why I should give this a go. I am almost 32. I am getting older. I really many not get another chance like this. I would really love to inspire and share my knowledge with others. I think people would look up to me for that reason.
So I decided just to go for it.

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